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Session dashboard
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Written by Klaxoon
Updated today

The Session interface is used to manage activities and control information displayed on participants' screens.

1 - Burger Menu

Displays a menu enabling you to:

  • Invite participants to the Session

  • Change the Session by accessing the editing screen in Studio (add an Activity, a Live Question, etc...)

  • Duplicate

  • Create a teamplate

  • Close the Session: it is permanently closed and you can generate and share the report

  • Leave the Session: it stays open so you can continue it later and participants can continue to connect and take part in open activities

  • Full screen: enable/disable

  • High-contrast mode: enable/disable

2 - Share

Invite participants

Access code: displays a popup with connection details for participants.

Lock: to allow or block the use of the access code to join the session.

Copy link

3 - Participants

Invite participants: to add participants by name, email address, Network....

Number of participants: displays a list of connected participants. The black bubble shows the number of participants.

4 - Live

Launch a Live audio and video of 5, 15, 30 minutes renewable or infinite time, or a video conference (Meet, Skype, Teams, Webex or Zoom). It is also possible to share your screen.

5 - Presentation

Select page(s) and launch a presentation; synchronization is immediately activated.

6 - Stopwatch

Displays the stopwatch/timer.

7 - Download

Export session data (zip format, Klaxoon format, pdf report)

8 - Board filters

Allows you to only show certain interactions on the board – Messages, Activities, Live Votes, Live Challenges, Live Storms, shared Presentations, flagged items.

9 - Search field

Enter a keyword to find an item on the Board.

10 - Board button

Displays the Board.

11 - Activities button

Allows you to access the screen used for launching Activities and Live Questions scheduled for the Session or create new Live Questions.

12 - Stats button

Displays Session statistics.

13 - Session image and objectives

Displayed at the very top of the board and defined in the session editing screen in Studio.

14 - Board

Main Session screen on which all messages sent by participants are displayed in chronological order along with all Activities and Live Questions and all presentation slides shared by the facilitator during the session.

Click on an item to enlarge it, flag it, or delete it from the Board.

15 - Messages button

Displays the messaging pane for the Session allowing you to reply to or delete messages.

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