The JIRA / Klaxoon integration goes even further. New features are available directly in your Board.
Among this new features you will find:
A simple and direct visualization of elements from a JIRA ticket, displayed on your Klaxoon Board (Priority, Status, Creator, ...)
Importing JIRA tickets is easy, utilizing JQL search / filters.
Import multiple JIRA tickets from different projects onto the same Board.
Quickly convert a Klaxoon idea into a desired JIRA ticket, or add tickets into a project easily.
A simplified ticket import process, including the ability to automate JIRA updates at your desired
Take full advantage of these features by configuring JIRA into Klaxoon. Find the complete procedure here: Jira: integration and configuration
Once your organization has synchronized Klaxoon with JIRA, go to a Board you created. Click on the "Insert" button, available at the bottom left of the toolbar of your Board. Then, click on the "JIRA" icon!
It's your turn to play!