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All CollectionsWhat's New? November 2024
11/08/2024: Adjustment of how activities are shared
11/08/2024: Adjustment of how activities are shared
Klaxoon. avatar
Written by Klaxoon.
Updated over 4 months ago

Klaxoon's activity sharing mode is evolving to become even more intuitive and easy to use, offering better access management. Now you can easily share and manage your work, enabling more effective collaboration from the start.

We've made several key improvements to the management of sharing settings, to make your collaboration even easier and more efficient. Now, when you create a new activity, the "open for your team" mode is enabled by default. In concrete terms, all members of your team or organization will be able to access the activity directly via a link or a code, fostering more efficient collaboration right from the start.

Another novelty: the "private" status becomes "limited", to better reflect its function. This mode restricts access to a specific group, while providing more flexibility in managing access rights. This change aims to simplify permission settings and make them clearer and easier to manage.

Finally, Growl notifications are also evolving! You will now be notified in real-time of any change in sharing mode made via the share modal, as soon as the activity is shared. This provides a convenient way to instantly see who has access to the activity.

These changes are available since November 8th, 2024 for all Klaxoon users. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Support team via Chat.

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