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How long can inactive accounts be retained?
Klaxoon. avatar
Written by Klaxoon.
Updated over 4 months ago

The retention time of an inactive user account corresponds to the length of time during which the data associated with this account is retained following a period of inactivity.

The inactivity period is calculated in relation to the date of the user's last access.

Data includes :

  • personal information (name, email, etc.)

  • user-generated data (all Klaxoon activities and associated data and media)

💡 When a user is deleted, his or her name is replaced by the words “user deleted” everywhere on the platform. The user is thus anonymized, including in exported files.

Retention times vary according to the user's account type (Free orPro), but also whether the account is part of a team (attached to a company under contract with Klaxoon).

Non-team account retention times

Account without license

If the user has not confirmed his account, the data is deleted after a period of inactivity of 3 months.

If the user has confirmed his/her account (Free account), data is deleted after a period of inactivity of 36 months.

Licensed account (Pro account)

A Pro account becomes inactive at the end of the contract, is automatically requalified as a Free account and will be deleted after 36 months of inactivity.

Retention periods for team accounts

Inactive Free or Pro account

A Free or Pro account is deleted on the contract end date + 18 months of inactivity.

Free or Pro account (deactivated or at end of subscription)

For situations where Free and Pro accounts are deactivated, several specific conditions apply:

  1. Deactivation by administrator: data is deleted 12 months after deactivation.

  2. End of contract or subscription: if the contract is terminated without a specific deletion request, data is deleted after 18 months.

  3. End of contract with customer request for deletion: in the event of a deletion request at the end of the contract, data is deleted after 1 month.

If you have any questions about data retention periods or compliance with RGPD standards, please feel free to consult our Trust Center.

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