Discover how to create a Board, a space of infinite size on which you can share any type of content as a team.
You can create as many Boards as you like from the Klaxoon home page using the NEW button, or directly from your Activities.
Create a Board using the NEW button
Go to the Klaxoon home page and click on NEW, then on Board. The creation pop-up appears:
Enter a name for the Board (250 characters maximum), add an image, then click
The Board animation screen appears:
1 - The "+" button
Create and add your ideas in the form of text, drawing, photo or video.
2 - Idea
Drag and drop an idea to move it, and play with its size; double-click on an idea to modify it.
The toolbar
3 - Move arrow
Move your ideas wherever you like.
4 - Selection arrow
Activate multiple selection to move ideas, images or shapes.
5 - Interaction option
Choose whether you want to interact with :
locked elements
drawings, images, shapes
drawings and questions
6 - Moving around the Board
Click on the hand to move around the Board without moving Board elements.
7 - Undo/Restore
Click the left arrow to undo the last action, or the right arrow to redo it.
8 - Drawing tools
If you're using a laptop-type screen, here's what the toolbar looks like. To access the drawing toolbar, click on "Drawing tools".
If you're using a larger (dual-screen) display, here's what the drawing toolbar looks like:
Find out here how to use the drawing tools to customize your Boards!
Display options
9 - Views
Change the display mode of your Board:
Board: Ideas are placed manually on the infinite whiteboard
Column: Ideas are organized according to their category, which can be modified by dragging and dropping.
List: Table for sorting ideas according to different criteria (colors, categories, dimensions, etc.).
10 - Mini-Board
Miniature thumbnail view of the Board for quick access to larger Boards.
11 - Zoom
Zoom in or out on the Board.
12 - Display options
Display the grid, align your objects, pin your legend and access the Board's zoom options.
13 - Search
Display the idea search bar on the board with the help of different filters.
14 - Enlarge board
Hide toolbars to enlarge the available display surface.
Ideas on Board
15 - Contextual buttons
Different icons appear depending on the type of object selected:
Questions: ask participants a question (see how to ask a question in an idea)
Heart: like the idea
Pencil: edit the idea
Eye: see the idea in a larger format (drawing or image)
Play: create a slideshow with images of selected ideas (visible in synchronization)
Label : assign a category to the idea
Palette: change idea color
16 - 3-stitch button
Share: copy the link to the idea
Duplicate : create a copy
Convert to Jira
Lock : lock your idea so that it can no longer be moved
Size : change the size of your idea
Move forward, move backward: move the object forward to the foreground or backward to the background
Send to Inbox
Delete : delete the idea
17 - Inbox
Display the inbox, the idea selection tool with various filters:
Search by keywords
By color
By category
By number of hearts
18 - Inbox in list format
Show or hide the vertical list of Inbox ideas; use the selection rectangle to move several ideas at a time.