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Create a network
Klaxoon avatar
Written by Klaxoon
Updated over a week ago

From the Klaxoon Home page, click on "+ New", then on NETWORK.

The creation pop-up appears.

Network creation

Enter the Network name (maximum 80 characters), add an image, and then click on CREATE.

The quick-editing screen is displayed:

Network settings

From the icon at the top left, you can access all the settings:

In the Settings box, customize the appearance and description of the Network and click on save.

Breakdown of options:

  • Browse: select an image to represent the Network box on participants' home pages.

  • Description: enter a description presenting the Network to participants.

  • Color: select a color or enter a hexadecimal code from your graphics standards (e.g. red = #FF0000).

  • Authorize publication by Network members: check this box to enable members to publish articles and Activities in the Network.

Share a Network

Click on Share, and the pop-up window below appears:

Add members by entering their name or e-mail address.

Copy your Network link to your clipboard. You can share it to invite new members.

💡 You can also invite members by email by adding addresses individually or using a CSV file. This option enables the Network creator to provide access only to people who have been specifically invited. For further information, read the article Invite members by email. You can also invite members directly from the Network, without going through the Activities, as it is the case in Board.

Create an activity

In the "+ Create" box, click on CREATE AN ACTIVITY

Share an activity in a Network

From the share screen, select

The activity is placed in the Network

You and other Network members can now select the Network when launching an activity.

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