The Article interface allows participants to comment, add to Focus, and activate or deactivate notifications.
From Klaxoon’s Home or Search, click on the activity box.
The Article Interface will be displayed:
1 Back button
Return to the previous screen
2 Author of the activity
3 Metrics
Number of likes (click to add yours), comments, and views
4 Button 3 little dots
Show the menu:
Modify the article (Presentation of the article--image and text)
Stats: show the activity’s stats and results
Activities: edit the activity in your Activities
Stop notifications: stop notification from appearing in the Journal tab
Add to Focus: create a shortcut to this activity from the Klaxoon homepage
5 Facilitate and/or Participate
Access an activity as the facilitator (if you are the author) or as a participant
6 Add to Focus
Create a shortcut to an activity on the Klaxoon homepage
Evaluation done by a participant at the end of the activity, or a comment
As the author of the activity, click on the comment to modify or delete
8 Add a comment
Click to add a comment and add a picture or attachment