Allow connection to Jira by personal token
With the “Jira” option (Administration > Settings > Integrations > Jira), the administrator can choose to authorize the connection of the users of their team with a personal token.
To do so, select the option Free login with personal token.
From their Board, the Pro user can import a project from Jira.
Click on Insert
on the toolbar at the bottom left of the Board.
Click on Jira
The connection page with Jira is displayed:
To gather the Jira connection data, connect to your Jira account and create an API token from your settings.
The creation page is displayed, create a nom for this token an click on CREATE
Once the token is created click on COPY
Go back to Klaxoon and past the API token
Once the form is completed, click on SAVE
Synchronization of tickets and ideas between Jira and Klaxoon
In order for tickets to be synchronized in both directions, i.e. from Klaxoon to Jira and from Jira to Klaxoon, you must have the Full Admin status.
With a simple Admin status, the synchronization of tickets is only done in one direction: an idea submitted on the Klaxoon Board will appear in Jira, but a ticket created in Jira will not appear on the Klaxoon board.
For more information on two-way synchronization contact our support team via HELP