Board settings not only allow you to structure your ideas, but also to share your Board with participants and modify its settings. Find out here how to share and animate your Board.
Modify, caption, add or delete colors (50 maximum). Display the legend to your participants to structure your ideas. Find out how to : Define colors.
Edit, add or delete categories (50 maximum). Add categories to your text, image or video ideas. Find out what a category is: What is a Category?
Modify, add or delete dimensions (3 maximum). Add categories to your text, image and video ideas. Find out what a dimension is: What is a Dimension?
Smart Groups
Display a pop-up with options to simplify the grouping of ideas by different criteria (categories, dimensions, colors, number of Likes, etc.). Find out how to use Smart Groups.
Add or modify Board objectives and display them to your participants.
Show/hide background image
Activate/deactivate night mode (board goes black)
Adjust background image size
Participant settings
Discover all the creation, modification, movement, display and functionality settings for your participants right here.
Display a pop-up with options to simplify the deletion of ideas or annotations.
Now you're ready to get started on Board! Need some guidance for your first use? Check out our tutorial for creating your first Board!