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How does Dot-Voting work?
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Written by Klaxoon
Updated this week

Dot-Voting will enable you to get your team more involved in decision-making.

Dot-Voting is a simple and effective collaborative method for voting on the ideas or proposals that seem most relevant.

How Dot-Voting works

Each participant receives a certain number of tokens which they can allocate to the ideas they prefer: this makes it possible to weight the votes and take decisions in a more participative way.

Configuring Dot-Voting

To use this feature, go to your Klaxoon Board and click on the ‘Ask your team’ icon.

Then select ‘Dot-Voting’.

Define the number of tokens per participant.

Go to the ‘Dot-voting settings’ menu

Here you can :

  • give a title to your Dot-Voting session

  • authorise your participants to see each other's votes, or not, and define whether, when you launch your Dot-Voting, your view will be automatically presented to the participants

  • choose whether you want to start a timer to punctuate your Dot-Voting session

Share a Dot-Voting

Everything is now set up, launch the vote by clicking on ‘Start’.

Participate in the Dot-Voting

Invite your team members to vote by allocating tokens to their favourite ideas.

As a participant, to allocate tokens, I select an idea then click on ‘+’ to add tokens and ‘-’ to remove tokens.

The more tokens allocated to an idea, the more important it is considered to be.

For the duration of the Dot-Voting, the ‘Dot-Voting in progress’ icon appears on the Board. Clicking on it will display the number of tokens still available.

You can also zoom in on your votes or delete all your votes with one click.

Animate Dot-Voting

If you are the Board animator, this menu gives you access to the settings screen, the option of displaying the results while the Dot-Voting is in progress and the button to end your Dot-Voting.

You can view the results at any time.

Once the vote is over, you can easily export the results.

Click on the export button to obtain a detailed report of the votes.

If you'd like to find out more about Board's features, take a look at the resources available at the following link: Board

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