Whether it's a Board, a Session, a Memo... Once your activity has been launched, you can send an email inviting people to take part, which enables them to access the activity quickly.
Access the sharing options:
Entering participants' email addresses, or share in a Network
Copying the link that is generated
Share QR Code
From the "Share" menu
The sharing mode is divided into two parts.
First, you can name the Board and define the level of access to the activity.
The default sharing mode is Private: only invited users and/or members of the aforementioned Network will be able to access the activity.
If you choose to hide participants' identities, their name and profile photo will not be visible during the activity or in the export.
If you activate pseudonym access, a message will appear indicating that participants will need to identify themselves to join the activity.
The “Open for [Your Team]” sharing mode simplifies access for offline participants.
The "Open" sharing mode simplifies access for non-connected participants.
Save and share, a new modal opens in which you can add the people to be invited in the corresponding fields.
From the Activities
Click on "Share"
Or on the 3 little dots
Then "Share"