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3 little dots menu
Klaxoon avatar
Written by Klaxoon
Updated over a week ago

The 3 dots menu contains the management features of your Board. It varies according to the status of your Board.

In a Board in general

1 - Menu 3 little dots menu
​To open the left pane, or close it and return to the Board

2 - Board title

Modifiable by the facilitator

3 - Board information

Mode, legend, Categories, Dimensions

4 - Board visual

The presenter can add an image from their device

5 - Board state

In preparation, time elapsed since it was launched, invitation elements (code, link, QR code), name of the Network where the Board is published

6 - Options

  • Duplicate the Board: the copy opens directly and the original remains in your Activities

  • Create a Template (read also: Template)

7 - Other options

  • Exit: the Board remains open, participants can log in and explore it

8 - Display settings

In a Board in preparation

In this state, only the Delete option is added, and the mention "In preparation" is visible.

In a Board launched by code

Board state

  • Access code

  • QR code that can be enlarged with a single click

  • Invitation link that can be copied with a simple click


  • Share: to invite participants by email or via social networks

  • Close: participants will no longer be able to send ideas but will be able to see the result; however, the facilitator can still make the Board evolve

Other options

In a Board launched in a Network

Board state

  • Network name: possible to join the Network with a simple click


  • Share: to invite participants by email or via social networks

  • Close: participants will no longer be able to send ideas but will be able to see the result; however, the facilitator can still make the Board evolve

Other options

In a closed Board


  • Reopen with contents

  • Delete permanently

Other options

  • Stats: access to the statistics screen

  • Go to Article

  • Exit : the Board remains open, participants can log in and explore it

In a Board seen by a participant

Board state

  • Time elapsed since it was launched

  • Invitation elements (code, link, QR code) or name of the Network where the Board is published


  • Share: to invite participants by email or via social networks

Other options

  • Go to Article

  • Exit : the Board remains open, participants can log in and explore it

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