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How can AI be used to create an action plan?
How can AI be used to create an action plan?
Klaxoon avatar
Written by Klaxoon
Updated over a week ago

If you want to use AI to create an action plan, find out how.

1 - From your Board

From your Board, select the ideas and then click on the "Klaxoon AI" icon in the toolbar.

2 - Create an action plan

Finally, click on "Create an action plan".

3 - View the action plan

After a short moment, the final object is transformed into a "sheet" and a "duplicate" in idea Board format, making it easy to quickly use the actions in the Board. The result is a set of Board objects that can be modified and grouped together for easy handling. The date, time and name of the requester are also entered in the header of the form.

example of an AI-generated action plan

⚠ A few points to note:

  • The texts generated by the AI are in the same language as that of the Klaxoon interface chosen by the user (FR/EN/DE).

  • Notifications (growl) appear during processing by the AI and in the event of an error, or if the number of text elements sent is too large to be processed (200 words maximum).

  • Documents created on the Board are made up entirely of editable Board objects, grouped together to make them easy to select and move.

If you want to group elements by theme, consult this resource: How do I create an AI-generated summary?

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