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How do I scroll through Zones with Slideshow?
How do I scroll through Zones with Slideshow?
Klaxoon avatar
Written by Klaxoon
Updated over a week ago

Find out in this article how to present Board Zones more fluidly.

Navigating between Zones

1 - Accessing the Slide Show

From your Board, access the Slide Show using the button in the zone summary.

2 - Navigation bar

A navigation bar appears. This navigation bar, or "widget", allows you to control several aspects of your Slide Show:

  • Navigation: Use the arrows to scroll through the zones.

  • Hiding/Unhiding Zones: You can choose to hide or unhide zones as required.

  • Full screen : Switch your Board to full screen mode for an immersive view

💡 The navigation bar is flexible and you can move it anywhere you like on your screen for added convenience.

To allow you to concentrate fully on the content of your Board, the authoring toolbar and mini-board automatically hide during the Slideshow.

Please note: If you have not created any Zones on your Board, the presentation button will be greyed out and you will not be able to launch a Slide Show.

Choose navigation mode

1 - Changing the position of the Zones summary

When you click on "Zones" (at the bottom right of your screen), a new button allows you to change the position of the zone summary.

2 - Summary positioning options

You can choose between two positions:



3 - View modes available for the zone summary

Two view modes are available:

List view

Preview view

If you want to define a zone as a starting point, see this article: How do you define a zone as a starting point?

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